International Conference Harmonizing ASEAN Legal System through Legal Higher Education, berlangsung di Hotel Mercure Convention Centre, Ancol pada 11 Juni 2014 lalu. Dalam seminar itu hadir sejumlah nara sumber dari berbagai disiplin ilmu diantaranya Prof. Dr. Baldomero Estenzo dari Univ Cebu, Philippine, Prof. Dr. Sanjeevi Shanthakumar (Director ITM University Law School, India), Prof. Zuhaira Ariff Abd. Ghadas dari University Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia.

Berbagai permasalahan sistem pendidikan yang terjadi di Negara ASEAN akan dibahas mendalam dalam seminar tersebut untuk menghadapi ASEAN Economic Community 2015 mendatang (AEC 2015). Seminar ini terwujud berkat kerjasama lintas Universitas ternama antara lain : Universitas Esa Unggul, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” dan Universitas Islam Jakarta. Sementara itu Dekan Fakultas Hukum UEU, Wasis Susetio SH., MH dalam kata sambutannya mengatakan tahun 2015 akan ada ASEAN Economic Community merupakan langkah yang sangat penting bagi Indonesia, karena akan menjadi komunitas ekonomi ASEAN untuk itu di butuhkan dari berbagai aspek. Disamping itu dibutuhkan “rule of the game”, tentunya harus satu persepsi disamping diperlukan harmonisasi legal system. (Is.A/Est)


The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is a community that works together to extend and to broaden the integrated economy among ASEAN countries in the Southeast Asia region.  The aim of establishing AEC is to: (1) develop production-base countries; (2) develop a more dynamic region; (3) develop a competitive single market; (4) have an equivalent level of development; (5) seek an accelerated economic integration among its members.  The implementation will be done by considering the different levels of development of its members.

The establishment of AEC will consequently trigger developments in other fields, including the field of legal education. Therefore, each ASEAN country is expected to prepare its infrastructure, as well as its human resources development. And ASEAN’s legal education will be established in accordance to the requirements needed by AEC.

One simple hope is that the legal professionals in ASEAN who hold legal education backgrounds from  ASEAN universities may fairly compete with their other ASEAN peers who obtained their legal education backgrounds from other universities outside of ASEAN countries.

The objective of this Seminar

  • Get the latest updated information with regards to the legal higher education system in facing the challenges of AEC in 2015.
  • Get more inputs and other opinions as part of adjusting the legal higher education system in facing the challenges of AEC 2015.

Topics to be discussed

  • Issues on legal aspects in facing the challenge of AEC in 2015.
  • The most proper legal higher education curriculum to be implemented  in ASEAN countries, to fulfill the requirement needed by AEC.


  • Professors/ Lecturers
  • Legal Practitioners
  • Public

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